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Elementary School
685 Fifth Street, Secaucus, NJ 07094
(201) 974-2010
Fax: (201) 974-0530
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Welcome Back school sign on grass
Pre-Kindergarten Registration Information
Pre-Kindergarten Registration Information
Welcome to the Secaucus Public Schools
After reading these instructions, you may begin the pre-registration process. After pre-registration, you can call your school or, if you do not know which school you should call, you can call the district office. The Secaucus Public School district follows all applicable federal, state and local laws in regard to registration practices. The Board Policies that dictate these procedures can be found below:
Policy 5111 - Eligibility of Resident/Non-Resident Pupils
Policy 5112 - Entrance Age
- Kindergarten Entrance Age Cut-Off Date: October 1.
2022/2023 School Year Advanced Enrollment
Enrollment for Pre-kindergarten students will take place
Monday, February 14, 2022 through Friday, February 18, 2022
for students who will be 4 years of age on or before October 1, 2022
Clarendon School
Call (201) 974-2010
[email protected]
Area of Residence:
Osprey Cove
Harmon Cove Townhouses and Towers
The Harper at 100 Plaza Drive
and the Entire South Side of Secaucus
Huber Street School
Call (201) 974-2053
[email protected]
Area of Residence:
All of County Avenue and County Avenue side streets
Secaucus Road, Henry Street
XChange at Secaucus Junction
North Side of Paterson Plank Road
Roosevelt Avenue and side streets
Green Valley Court
North of the Plaza on Paterson Plank Road
North of Flanagan Way, Liberty Court
Riverside Court, and the Entire North End of Secaucus
Registration Checklist
Secaucus Online Registration Instructions
Go to the
Pre-Registration Portal
Fill in the information and answer the questions. The pre-registration process must be completed in a single sitting. After you pre-register, contact the school or schools you believe your children will attend and schedule a registration intake.
The Secaucus Registration Packet should be completed in its entirety.
Complete the form online and email to the school.
You can download a full version of the Registration Packet here. The Packet requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free here
. If you require a printed copy, please contact your neighborhood school.
Completed Student Registration Packet
Parent/Guardian Proof of Identification
Child's Original Birth Certificate
Evidence of Property Ownership, Tenancy or Residency
Certificate of Residency Utility Bill
Other Bill with Current Address
Canceled Check
Court Orders
(if applicable)
(see Step 4)
Other relevant documentation
Additionally, you should email the following documents to register your student:
Most recent immunization records, physical exam form completed by medical provider, Health History, Allergy/Asthma History and Release of Medical Information Consent forms.
DTAP Vaccin
e (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis) - Four doses appropriately spaced.
Polio Vaccine
- Three doses appropriately spaced.
Live Measles Vaccine
- One dose after first birthday, or proof of disease.
Rubella Vaccine
- One dose (German Measles) after first birthday.
Mumps Vaccine
- One dose after first birthday.
HIB Vaccine
- One dose after first birthday.
Chicken Pox
- Proof of one immunization on or after first birthday or statement from physician an/or parent/guardian that child has had Chicken Pox.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
- At least one on or after the first birthday.
Annual Influenza Vaccine
- At least one on or after the first birthday.
The student’s transfer card
(if transferring from another school)
Copy of your child’s latest report card and standardized test scores
(if applicable)
Copy of the child’s latest transcript
(for Grades 10, 11 or 12 only)
Athletic Form
(required by all students in grades 9-12)
Student Physical
Language Survey
Student health questionnaire
(for Kindergarten students only)
Parent questionnaire
(for Kindergarten students only)
Contact your neighborhood school, the Middle School or the High School to arrange for an appointment. If you are unsure which school to contact, please call the District Central Office.
District Central Office
Secaucus High School
Grades 9-12
Secaucus Middle School
Grades 6-8
Clarendon Elementary
Grades PreK-5
Huber St. Elementary
(Including the Millridge School Early Learning Center)
Grades PreK-5
The questions asked in the registration application will enable the district to determine your student’s eligibility to attend school in this district in accordance with New Jersey law.
Please be aware that N.J.S.A. 18A:38-1 and N.J.A.C. 6A:22 specify that a free public education will be provided to any student between the ages of 5 and 20, and to certain students under 5 and over 20 as specified in other applicable law, who are:
Domiciled in the district means that a student is living with a parent or guardian and is permanently residing within the district. A home is permanent when the parent or guardian intends to return to it when absent and has no present intent of moving from it, notwithstanding the existence of homes or residences elsewhere.
Living with a person, other than the parent or guardian, who is domiciled in the district and is supporting the student without compensation, as if the student were his or her own child, because the parent cannot support the child due to family or economic hardship.
Living with a parent or guardian who is temporarily residing in the district with another family.
Living with a person domiciled in the district, other than the parent or guardian, where the parent/guardian is a member of the New Jersey National Guard or the reserve component of the U.S. armed forces and has been ordered into active military service in the U.S. armed forces in time of war or national emergency.
The child of a parent or guardian who moves to another district as the result of being homeless.
Placed in the home of a district resident by court order pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-2.
Residency Affidavit Instructions
Residency Affidavit 1 - Landlord Affidavit- File
Residency Affidavit 2a - Non-Resident Parent- File
Residency Affidavit 2b - Non-Parent Resident- File
Residency Affidavit 3a - Family Temp. Living in District- (00048254)
Residency Affidavit 3b - Resident Providing Housing- (00048255)
The following do not affect a student’s eligibility to enroll in school:
Physical condition of housing or compliance with local housing ordinances or terms of lease.
Immigration/visa status, except for students holding or seeking a visa (F-1) issued specifically for the purpose of limited study on a tuition basis in a United States public secondary school.
Absence of a certified copy of birth certificate or other proof of a student’s identity, although these must be provided within 30 days of initial enrollment, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 36-25.1.
Absence of student medical information, although actual attendance at school may be deferred as necessary in compliance with rules regarding immunization of students, N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.1 et seq.
Absence of a student’s prior educational record, although the initial educational placement of the student may be subject to revision upon receipt of records or further assessment by the district.
The following forms of documentation may demonstrate a student’s eligibility for enrollment in the district. Particular documentation necessary to demonstrate eligibility under specific provisions in law will be indicated in the appropriate section of the registration form.
Property tax bills, deeds, contracts of sale, leases, mortgages, signed letters from landlords and other evidence of property ownership, tenancy or residency.
Voter registrations, licenses, permits, financial account information, utility bills, delivery receipts, and other evidence of personal attachment to a particular location.
Court orders, State agency agreements and other evidence of court or agency placements or directives.
Receipts, bills, canceled checks and other evidence of expenditures demonstrating personal attachment to a particular location, or, where applicable, to support of the student.
Medical reports, counselor or social worker assessments, employment documents, benefit statements, and other evidence of circumstances demonstrating, where applicable, family or economic hardship, or temporary residency.
Affidavits, certifications and sworn attestations pertaining to statutory criteria for school attendance, from the parent, legal guardian, person keeping an “affidavit student,” adult student, person(s) with whom a family is living, or others, as appropriate.
Documents pertaining to military status and assignment.
Any business record or document issued by a governmental entity.
Any other form of documentation relevant to demonstrating entitlement to attend school.
The totality of information and documentation you offer will be considered in evaluating an application, and, unless expressly required by law, the student will not be denied enrollment based on your inability to provide certain form(s) of documentation where other acceptable evidence is presented.
You will not be asked for any information or document protected from disclosure by law, or pertaining to criteria which are not legitimate bases for determining eligibility to attend school. You may voluntarily disclose any document or information you believe will help establish that the student meets the requirements of law for entitlement to attend school in the district, but we may not, directly or indirectly, require or request:
Income tax returns;
Documentation or information relating to citizenship or immigration/visa status, unless the student holds or is applying for an F-1 visa;
Documentation or information relating to compliance with local housing ordinances or conditions of tenancy;
Social security numbers.
Any determination of the student’s eligibility to attend school in this district is subject to more thorough review and subsequent re-evaluation. Tuition may be assessed in the event that an initially admitted student is found ineligible. If your student is found ineligible, now or later, you will be provided the reasons for our decision and instructions on how to appeal.
Furthermore, all families registered in to Secaucus Public Schools are subject to visitation by the district’s Residency Officer. This individual will identify him or herself, have official photo identification, and may visit homes on weekdays, weekends, as early as 6:00 a.m. or as late as 9:00 p.m.
If you experience difficulties with the enrollment process, please contact:
Superintendent of Schools
Secaucus Board of Education
685 Fifth Street
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Or call: 201-974-2000.
Before and After Care
School Hours/Emergency Closings
New Student Registration
Kindergarten Registration Information
Pre-Kindergarten Registration Information
Mandatory Forms
School Uniforms
Parent-School Communication
Parent Portal
Student Registration
Staff Directory