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Counselor's Corner





My name is Mrs. Doering and I am proud to be the School Counselor for Clarendon Elementary School.


A school counselor's job is to be an advocate for all of the students and give them the tools they need to be successful. My goal is to create a positive school environment, support and guide our students. I am the friendly face that says hello to all students when I see them walking through the halls.


Guidance Services are available for every student in the school.  These services include assistance with personal problems, social issues and academics. Throughout the year, I speak with children in reference to their grades, study habits, behavior, peer relationships or changes within their families.  


I see students for multiple reasons.  Some of the topics discussed are social skills, bully prevention, anger management, study skills, feelings, responsibility, friendship and self-esteem.  Some are sent to my office by their teachers or through parental requests. Some children seek out counseling for their own needs or concerns. The open door policy allows students to come to the office with whatever issues they are facing. I am the friendly face they see that is always here to support them.

I also serve as our school’s Anti-Bullying Specialist. If your child is concerned with how others are treating them, please let me know right away. Conflicts happen daily with children as it is part of growing up as is making a bad choice. Childhood is full of learning not just academically, but socially as well.

Beginning every school year, our character education theme is introduced.  This theme is based on the book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.  The author’s concept of bucket filling is easy:  Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds their good thoughts and feelings.  When their buckets are full, they feel happy and when their buckets are empty, they feel sad.  Children can fill someone’s bucket by saying things that are caring and respectful.  They also learn that when they are inconsiderate or disrespectful, they dip into buckets and remove those good feelings.  During this school year, faculty and staff are encouraging students to be bucket fillers at home, at school, and everywhere they go.  Each marking period all students who are caught filling the invisible buckets of others will be recognized and awarded certificates.  Several students will also be randomly selected as “Buckets Fillers of the Marking Period” and will receive a small prize.This is SUPER exciting for all of our students! The smiles on their faces is the best part!!

If you need to privately meet with your child's teacher, or have a question, feel free to contact the guidance office at 201-974-2021 or email is Dawn Doering via the email link below


Together as partners in learning we could help your child reach their greatest potential!