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Resources » Students » Clarendon Code of Conduct

Clarendon Code of Conduct

Elementary Student Code of Conduct

The administration and faculty believe that proper conduct and behavior by all students is a vital component in maintaining an effective, safe, and productive learning environment by adhering to the following expectations.

  • Students will come to school prepared to learn.
  • Students will communicate with other students, teachers, and aides in a respectful manner.
    Politeness and good manners are expected at all times.
  • Students will respect and care for the property of others.
  • Students will treat others appropriately. Hitting, pushing, and fighting will not be tolerated at school.
  • Students will refrain from bullying/harassment in all forms and will speak up if they see others being treated unfairly.
  • Students will accept the consequences of their actions.
  • Students will behave properly on the school bus. Students must stay seated, wear seat belts, and cooperate with the bus driver.
  • Students will use proper language in school, on the playground, and on the school bus. Profanity will not be tolerated.
  • Students will strive to maintain cleanliness of school facilities and property.
  • Students will turn off cell phones and keep in backpacks while in school.
  • Students will meet attendance requirements including being on time to school.